Seven months old!

How can this sweet little chunk possibly be seven months old?!?! These days Hannah Jane likes to sleep on her stomach, ride in the stroller on our morning walks, get all the toys out of her basket, talk to us quite loudly, roll over as soon as you put her down, and be on Mommy’s hip all the time! Her two bottom teeth have come through, and she still puts everything in her mouth! She loves to splash in the bathtub, make lots of noise with her toys, and eat all the things! She especially loves fruits and is doing a great job using her pincer grasp to get her puffs and crackers. The only thing she hasn’t liked is green beans. Hannah Jane gives the best smiles and the best snuggles. She doesn’t love the car seat, but she’s also super flexible and go with the flow! She doesn’t mind following her big sister and brothers around. Her bedtime routine is her favorite, and she gets so excited when we put her lotion on her before pajamas and a book! Oh, Hannah Jane, we can’t imagine life without you! We love you and are so very thankful for you!

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