2 Year Old Preschool 2011-2012

Today was Sarah Ann’s first day of two year old preschool, and she had an absolutely wonderful time of learning and fun! This mommy has actually been a little more emotional this year than last year. I know that she loves school–she loves being social, making crafts, playing with friends, listening to stories, singing songs–preschoolContinue reading “2 Year Old Preschool 2011-2012”


happy 29th birthday, jeffrey! 29, 29, 29… godly. disciplined. intelligent. understanding. smooth. hilarious. charming. confident. considerate. clever. handsome. gentle. athletic. musical. caring. quiet. serious. dedicated. hard-working. theological. adventurous. driven. laid-back. authentic. loving. amazing. respectful. honest. strong. …and so much more! jeffrey, we are so very thankful for you! you are an incredible daddy and theContinue reading “29”