One Thousand Gifts

1. quality time with my husband
2. hearing the stories of our waiters at dinner
3. and learning what it means to love and serve by them
4. sweet rest
5. remembering the unconditional love of grandparents
6. the little boy who found me at the market and ran up to me
7. because once your a mommy, you’re always a mommy
8. the cool afternoon breeze
9. clean water
10. towel animals
11. seeing pictures of my babies through email and facebook while we were gone
12. forever friendships
13. the smell of sunscreen
14. salty hair and sandy toes
15. foreign accents
16. laughing until your stomach hurts
17. the fact that no one can read my mind
18. seeing my babies smile when we went to pick them up
19. hearing sarah ann say “i wuv you, momma”
20. cuddling with reece, and the way he never wanted to let go
21. modern medicine
22. health insurance
23. hand sanitizer from bath and body works
24. their excitement over new beach towels, you would have thought it was Christmas again!
25. be able to watch my sweet babies sleep
26. brand new tap shoes for my baby girl
27. watching her dance in her first ever ballet class
28. reece sleeping on my shoulder
29. nap time
30. washable paint
31. watching my babies give their friends hugs
32. my baby boy’s blue eyes
33. chick-fil-a sweet tea
34. an evening swim with my sweet family
35. reece’s first haircut
36. having silly conversations with sarah ann
37. everyone sleeping until 8:30 on saturday morning
38. a warm bath and a people magazine
39. my three loves and their curly hair
40. cuddling on the couch
41. reece’s ever expanding vocabulary
42. the way sarah ann talks to her baby brother
43. my incredibly hard-working husband
44. a girl’s night out with friends
45. becoming less, so that He may become more
46. new books from the library
47. not setting the alarm
48. watching my babies chase each other
49. calzones with lots of marinara
50. double dates
51. a soft breeze
52. clean sheets
53. a short “to-do” list for the day
54. a quiet drive
55. grilling out
56. reading books over and over that i now have them memorized
57. playing outside once the sun goes down
58. the way that reece looks nothing like jeffrey, but acts just like him
59. sarah ann’s pigtails
60. hugs and kisses before bed
61. birthdays
62. cuddling in the bed
63. hearing reece finally call me “mommy!”
64. hearing sarah ann say “mommy, mommy!” when i pick her up from school
65. bible stories about obedience
66. college football
67. sweet corn on the cob
68. warm cinnamon rolls and cold chocolate milk
69. playing outside in the morning
70. afternoon wagon rides
71. hearing the babies laugh over the monitor
72. my little helpers in the kitchen
73. singing silly songs in the car
74. the fall air
74. three day weekends
75. rubbing sarah ann’s head as she falls asleep
76. reece’s hand motions and signs
77. date nights
78. book stores
79. fellowship with new friends
80. bible study
81. hearing truth
82. seeing the sunset over the lake
83. catching up with old friends
84. pictures
85. long sleeve shirts
86. phone calls from Chicago
87. authentic conversations
88. real people
89. military wives
90. home-cooked meals
91. catching lightning bugs
92. watching reece sing and dance
93. netflix
94. cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk
95. putting sarah ann’s hair in pig tails
96. god’s truth
97. blogging friends
98. always being able to take pictures on my iphone
99. pillow pets
100. coloring books
101. hooded sweatshirts
102. a relaxing weekend
103. cool mornings
104. warm afternoons
105. quality conversations with friends
106. allergy medicine
107. new and new-to-the-kids clothes
108. feeding ducks at the park
109. all of sarah ann’s silly sayings
110. reece’s love for music
111. sarah ann’s snoring during naptime
112. reece’s ability to eat all day long, every day
113. accountability
114. memorizing scripture
115. blogs about africa
116. making new friends
117. movie nights at home
118. kraft macaroni-and-cheese
119. comfy clothes
120. shopping with my husband
121. an early bedtime
122. watching reece smile when we plays the drums
123. sarah ann’s silliness
124. dinner conversations with jeffrey
125. godliness
126. watching reece sleep
127. how sarah ann snores just like her daddy
128. community
129. authenticity
130. a perfectly blue sky and marshmallow clouds
131. the rainbow that comes after the rain storm
132. picking apples
133. watching reece hug his great grandparents
134. sarah ann showing off her dancing skills to granny and papa
135. a quiet ride up the mountain
136. reece’s 8 new teeth
137. a day without runny noses
138. sarah ann’s love of playgrounds
139. lunches with friends
140. cool mornings turning into warm afternoons
141. reece staying in nursery for the entire sermon
142. contentment
143. sarah ann’s love of bandaids
144. queso from san jose
145. praying with friends
146. hooded sweatshirts
147. the sing off
148. communion
149. driving with the sunroof open
150. halloween costumes
151. my iphone
152. shopping with sarah ann
153. b1g1 deals at publix
154. sugar cookies
155. spontaneous playdates
156. mornings at home
157. reece’s animal sounds
158. playing outside after naptime
159. watching tv in bed with jeffrey
160. “the new dare to discipline”
161. slushies from sonic
162. cloudy days
163. morning play dates
164. clean clothes
165. sleeping in
166. rainy day naps
167. watching reece follow sa’s every move
168. the pumpkin patch
169. riverbanks zoo
170. our double stroller
171. bed time snacks
172. reece’s love for knocking stuff over
173. hearing sarah ann sing when she is suppose to be sleeping
174. fall scents
175. big and little pumpkins
176. new halloween costumes
177. the indoor play area at the mall
178. talking with friends while our kids play
179. a new book from a precious friend
180. subway tuna subs
181. apple juice
182. delayed flights
183. running into friends at the airport
184. meeting new people
185. Auburn
186. peanut butter m&m’s
187. text messages
188. pictures of my sweet babies
189. sitting and talking with jeffrey in the early morning
190. God’s provisions
191. an afternoon at the spa
192. caffeine
193. a quiet evening of watching football and reading
194. “great is Thy faithfulness”
195. outdoor weddings
196. seeing my best friend get married
197. the marriage covenant
198. flat shoes to wear after the wedding
199. lunchables
200. dressing up like a princess
201. the state fair
202. hearing reece’s new words when i came back after a weekend away
203. sarah ann running to me in the airport
204. remembering our wedding day
205. a newly painted kitchen and hall
206. my hardworking husband
207. lemonade and cotton candy at the fair
208. the petting zoo
209. watching sarah and reece smile as they rode the rides
210. catching up on sleep
211. apple cobbler and ice cream
212. red velvet cake with cream cheese filling
213. new and old friends getting together
214. and watching our very excited and hyper kids play together
215. wearing a turtleneck sweater for the first time this fall
216. sweatshirts
217. reece’s sweet little voice
218. sarah ann’s love for all things girly
219. my prayer journal
220. halloween macaroni and cheese
221. hooded towels for after bath time
222. sleeping on my mattress
223. parades and candy
224. smooth mornings
225. hearing jeffrey open the door when he comes home
226. soup and salad for dinner
227. dinner out at a new place
228. complimentary ice cream
229. nap time for everyone!
230. watching sarah ann get her groove on at boo at the zoo
231. reece’s love of skittles
232. heated seats in the car
233. eating the kids’ candy after they go to sleep
234. getting under the covers on a cold night
235. relaxing Sundays
236. running errands as a family
237. lazy Monday mornings
238. a perfectly sunny fall morning at the park
239. a picnic with new friends
240. watching reece play so independently
241. sarah ann’s first school performance
242. friends with kids our same age
243. candy
244. eating the kids’ candy after they go to bed
245. footed pajamas
246. lazy saturday in our pajamas
247. making a cake with sa and reece
248. sleeping a bit later on saturday mornings
249. orange pancakes
250. emails from friends
251. staying connected through facebook
252. our princess and the frog
253. fuzzy socks on a cold morning
254. evenings with jeffrey
255. the excitement over new toys
256. wearing a hooded sweatshirt on a cold day
257. the way reece jumps on the trampoline
258. sarah ann’s last day as a two year old
259. making it to nap time by enjoying lunch with friends
260. chicken chili
261. making bread with sprite
262. birthday dinner at moe’s
263. sarah ann’s birthday excitement
264. rocking reece to sleep
265. playing dollhouse with sarah ann
266. real life talk in small group
267. healthy children
268. icing
269. reece’s independence
270. my new cup
271. grilling out on friday nights
272. weekends with my family
273. birthday party excitement
274. watching sarah ann eat a cupcake
275. watching reece climb in the play area
276. the wonderful people who work at chickfila
277. blessings from friends
278. birthday cake and ice cream
279. running errands alone
280. daylight savings time
281. getting ready for church on sunday morning
282. “you overcame!”
283. cracker barrel
284. apple butter and biscuits and gravy
285. relaxing sunday nights at home
286. the unexpected stomach bug…
287. which gave us another restful day at home
288. mcdonald’s drive thru
289. our thankful tree
290. cleaning and organizing
291. turkey crafts
292. publix
293. ponytail and headband hair days
294. quick and easy dinners
295. pinterest crafts
296. helping friends
297. watching cheerleading competitions
298. friends from bible study
299. fresh flowers
300. a calm evening
301. cma’s
302. checking off my to-do list
303. being completely ready before the babies wake up
304. being on time to preschool
305. hooded sweatshirt kind of day
306. singing in the car with the kids
307. staying up way too late with jeffrey
308. reading in the bath tub
309. sarah ann’s new birthday clothes
310. reece’s love for the animals at the zoo
311. dinner with friends we need to see more!
312. cereal for breakfast
313. bundling up when it’s cold outside
314. operation christmas child
315. generosity
316. sharing
317. frozen pizza
318. sleepy boys
319. girls who love to do crafts
320. grilling out to start the weekend
321. fires to stay warm
322. roasting marshmallows
323. mittens and gloves
324. going to sleep early
325. breakfast with former students
326. soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
327. our ladies ministry at church
328. the dollar tree
329. my gap fleece sweatshirt
330. the melting pot
331. pink roses
332. consistency
333. traditions
334. cheddar cheese and chocolate fondue
335. perfect weather for the zoo
336. sarah ann’s first pony ride
337. reece’s crazy wild side
338. balloons from publix
339. friends who know my favorite snacks
340. birthday phone calls and texts
341. sarah ann and reece’s laughs
342. hugs and kisses
343. daddy/daughter date nights
344. newborn babies
345. the way reece snaps
346. brownies
347. dinner time devotions
348. thanksgiving crafts
349. reading books before bed
350. “the big bang theory” on netflix
351. time out night out
352. the sun coming out after the rain
353. turkey handprints
354. tap and ballet shoes
355. “the jesus storybook bible”
356. cleaning and organizing
357. special time with sarah ann
358. lazy saturdays at home
359. “boy” time together at my gym
360. leftovers for lunch
361. sugar cookies
362. visiting with family
363. sleeping babies
364. upsets in college football
365. sweatpants
366. new pictures
367. small group playdates
368. well behaved kiddos
369. tuesdays and thursdays with reece
370. sarah ann’s crafts from school
371. the quietness when the kids are sleeping
372. my computer
373. making our first pumpkin pie
374. jumping in the leaves
375. playing outside while the sun is setting
376. breakfast for dinner
377. bath nights
378. new pictures
379. a nice cold dr. pepper
380. bcs countdown show
381. last minute trips to the park
382. afternoons at the library
383. reece’s first boo-boo
384. sarah ann’s imagination
385. holidays
386. casseroles
387. banana pudding
388. a clean garage
389. a nice thanksgiving nap
390. a sunny but cool day
391. taking time to be thankful
392. rivalry weekend in college football
393. the minute clinic at cvs
394. cuddles from my sweet boy, especially when he’s sick
395. a trip to the nutcracker with my princess
396. ballet
397. christmas lights
398. amoxicillan
399. the new happy meals at mcdonald’s
400. a lazy morning after our fun thanksgiving weekend
401. watching sarah ann help reece
402. the way reece says “hold you”
403. cuddling on the couch with jeffrey
404. wearing flip flops at the end of november
405. getting into the ent quickly
406. foggy mornings
407. watching sarah ann and reece sleep
408. new christmas pajamas
409. coloring
410. clean closets
411. playing at chick-fil-a
412. singing christmas carols
413. eating lunch on the porch in december
414. reecey giving me kisses on the cheek
415. sarah ann’s silliness
416. relaxing after the babies are in bed
417. encouragement
418. genuine-ness
419. laughing
420. christmas cards
421. the kids decorating the christmas tree
422. moe’s mondays
423. pinterest
424. google
425. christmas decorations
426. “the jesus storybook bible”
427. late evening conversations with jeffrey
428. friday morning play dates after a busy week
429. dinner at chickfila, it’s never crowded
430. bounce houses at church
431. the dollar store
432. candy canes
433. christmas crafts
434. christmas carols
435. sarah ann’s “baby jesus”
436. christmas movies
437. early bedtimes
438. watching sarah ann tap
439. psalm 46:10
440. being in the car by myself
441. hearing reece sing “jingle bells”
442. the play area at the mall
443. play dates
444. forever friends
445. being able to be home with my babies
446. all of jeffrey’s hard work
447. castles made out of pillows
448. reece’s love for trains
449. shopping with jeffrey
450. all day dates
451. late night blogging
452. going to the park in december
452. kids eat free at moes on tuesdays
453. the many parks in lexington
454. christmas cookies
455. “happy birthday, Jesus!”
456. the little drummer boy and girl
457. christmas ziploc bags
458. christmas plates and napkins
459. juice boxes
460. little caesar’s pizza
461. rainy afternoons
462. shopping for others
463. giving gifts to others
464. helping a family in need
465. hugs
466. not feeling stressed at all
467. power naps
468. evenings with great friends
469. coke from the fountain
470. christmas clearance
471. shopping by myself
472. “snow” on christmas eve
473. a day at home to rest and relax
474. reading the story of jesus’ birth by the christmas tree
475. sweater vests
476. sparkle shoes
477. toms
478. stocking stuffers
479. christmas morning excitement
480. pictures to remember by
481. quality time with family
482. zyrtec and benedryl
483. “the lion king”
484. christmas lunch
485. leftovers for dinner
486. thinking about how mary felt as jesus was born
487. photo christmas cards
488. instagram
489. cleaning and organizing
490. not wearing a jacket at the zoo on december 30th
491. jeffrey taking the day off
492. “being and doing”
493. productive mornings
494. sleeping all night long
495. peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
496. holding a newborn baby
497. sarah ann and reece’s friends
498. sarah ann’s laugh
499. college football bowl games
500. reece’s temper
501. catching up with friends at breakfast
502. playing outside on new year’s day
503. vegetable soup
504. new year’s eve
505. a midnight kiss
506. hebrews 11
507. haircuts
508. quiet moments when the kids are playing by themselves
509. espn
510. jeffrey’s day off
511. orange juice
512. flexibility
513. dessert
514. edventure
515. sarah ann and reece’s imagination
516. blue and pink tongues from dum-dum pops
517. seeing jeffrey during the middle of the day
518. coloring with the princess
519. the way reece says “sure do” when he means yes
520. buying things on clearance
521. power naps
522. 70 degree weather in January
523. a zoo trip with friends
524. when the babies fall asleep in the car
525. not cooking on a friday night
526. mini-desserts at uno’s
527. apple pie and ice cream
528. tmi talks with friends
529. the silence during nap time
530. fuzzy socks
531. a clean attic
532. my first trip to the dump
533. soup and salad at ruby tuesday’s
534. uninterrupted time with jeffrey
535. concerts given by sa and reecey
536. bubble baths
537. feeling prepared for the week ahead
538. “oh praise the one who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead”
539. grace upon grace upon grace
540. perfectly clear blue skies
541. finding everything i needed at the store
542. watching crazy movies with jeffrey
543. snowmen pajamas
544. lazy afternoons
545. bundling up on a cold, rainy day
546. the public library
547. peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
548. clean bathrooms
549. games on the ipad
550. heat
551. running errands with jeffrey
552. new spill proof sippy cups
553. looking back at old pictures
554. my husband’s love of studying
555. my husband’s wisdom
556. sarah ann’s curls
557. reece’s one arm dance
558. clothes right out of the dryer
559. the time out small group leaders
560. movie afternoons
561. monday morning playdates
562. cereal for breakfast
563. indoor playgrounds
564. falling asleep next to jeffrey
565. starting a new week
566. spicy chicken sandwiches from chickfila
567. clean clothes
568. worshipping at church
569. cafe
570. girls nights out
571. california dreaming
572. brownies and ice cream
573. talking, talking, and talking
574. planning and scheduling
575. elephant walks
576. flexibility
577. everyone napping on sunday afternoon
578. “how great thou art”
579. radius cafe
580. ladies ministry
581. women willing to serve and love
582. cold weekends that are good for cuddling and watching movies
583. chili and cornbread for dinner
584. counting down the days until disney world
585. God’s perfect timing
586. hearing the birds chirp in the morning
587. a hot shower to help wake me up
588. apple jacks, breakfast in the car
589. a bible reading plan on my phone
590. watching sarah ann and reece pretend they are at disney world
591. going to the zoo in the rain
592. a surprise visit to see jeffrey at work
593. painting my sweet girl’s fingernails
594. code orange revival
595. reece talking in sentences
596. spending cold, rainy mornings with friends
597. catching up on grey’s anatomy
598. reading books before nap time
599. packing and planning for disney world
600. my north face jacket
601. a few quiet minutes when the babies are playing together
602. the garage door opening when jeffrey gets home from work
603. sarah ann’s facial expressions
604. reece’s little voice
605. snotty kisses
606. last minutes trips to the minute clinic
607. catching up with my small group ladies
608. praying with friends
609. sarah ann being such a big girl at the doctor
610. reece saying the blessing all by himself
611. vacation
612. walt disney world
613. time away with my sweet family
614. a great car ride on the way down to orlando
615. reece saying “i love disney world”
616. sarah ann’s love for all thing disney
617. the first time they saw the castle
618. riding rides all day long
619. reece meeting handy manny
620. sarah ann meeting rapunzel
621. riding roller coasters with jeffrey
622. watching fireworks with my family
623. all of uncle bo’s help
624. watching uncle bo perform
625. amazing food
626. parades
627. “it’s a small world”
628. the tea cups
629. watching the babies dance to all of the music
630. all of the help my parents gave to us on the trip
631. staying up way past bedtime
632. perfect weather
632. that it only rained one time, and that was while we were inside eating
633. wearing flip flops and short sleeves in january
634. reece’s love for all things toy story
635. sarah ann’s love for princesses
636. catching up on sleep
637. getting back into our routine
638. new souvenirs and toys for the kids to play with
639. a healthy and happy reecey
640. a sweet sarah ann sleeping on the couch beside me
641. a husband who is so patient with me
642. ladies’ retreat meetings
643. unexpected date nights
644. nanny and pops’ new car
645. beautiful weather for the weekend
646. lunch out with jeffrey
647. serving at church
648. reconnecting with an old friend
649. lazy mornings
650. valentine’s candy
651. fleece sweatshirts for cold days
652. the kids playing so great together during the superbowl
653. the guys eating and actually watching the superbowl
654. the girls not even looking at the game and talking instead
655. the superbowl as an excuse to have a little get-together
656. an intense ending to the game
657. the kids stay up late, which meant they slept late
658. monday morning hugs from jeffrey
659. “how i met your mother”
660. 14 days of love
661. hitting the snooze alarm in the morning
662. not wearing make-up
663. quiet mornings at edventure with friends
664. lunch play dates
665. sharing valentine’s with friends
666. movie afternoons with the princess
667. rocking reecey in my lap
668. sweettart hearts
669. target trips
670. looking forward to the weekend
671. staying in bed until 9:30 on saturday morning
672. bundling up on cold days
673. sweet saturdays with my family
674. new scooters
674. watching sarah ann write her letters
675. color school with reece
676. soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
677. the wind
678. blue skies
679. seat warmers in the car
680. flannel pajamas
681. getting some fresh air and playing outside after a cold weekend
682. a dozen red roses for me
683. and a dozen pink roses for the princess
684. sharing valentine’s with friends
685. mommy/son breakfast dates
686. climbing on the playground with reecey
687. remembering our first valentine’s day
688. wearing red
689. crafting
690. sarah ann’s pigtails
691. afternoons in the sun
692. lazy rainy sundays
693. hearing sarah ann and reece play with their friends
694. the way reece rubs his nose
695. sarah ann’s love of lip gloss
696. dinners with friends
697. and that our kids are at an age where they can play together by themselves
698. blogging before bed
699. reading encouraging blogs
700. disney movies
701. cleaning out
702. rearranging furniture
703. reservations at the beach
704. NaMe’s help
705. sweet birthday parties for friends
706. monterrey’s by the mall
707. our chick-fil-a
708. having the whole play area to ourselves
709. new books
710. rainy mondays
711. exercising
712. small groups
713. reece singing in the car
714. sarah ann’s hairbows
715. “the elephant room”
716. the oscars
717. jeffrey’s love for reading
718. weekend naps
719. holding a new baby
720. evenings at the park
721. watching lots of movies with sarah ann while she was sick
722. reece’s laid-back style
723. relaxing friday nights
724. lots of sickly cuddles
725. dr. seuss’s birthday
726. jeffrey’s hugs
727. “my love you”
728. “i love you, mommy”
729. greenville
730. driving by my old school
731. good home cooking
732. our new radius cups
733. worshipping with other women
734. cardboard testimonies
735. small groups
736. roomies
737. older moms with so much wisdom
738. vulnerability
739. campfires
740. smores
741. freedom
742. hearing truth
743. fabulous speakers
744. hendersonville
745. heaters
746. safe travels
747. God’s perfect timing
748. fulfillment in Christ
749. audience of one
750. praying with other believers
751. our stories
752. redemption
753. rice krispy treats
754. parades
755. sweet saturdays together as a family
756. surprise toys
757. sitting on the porch with reecey before bed
758. consignment sales
759. power wheels
760. going to bed early on saturday night
761. sarah ann singing in the car
762. green ice cream at chickfila
763. new clothes
764. God’s faithfulness
765. opportunities for growth
766. preparing for easter
767. updates on my phone
768. wearing capris and toms
769. the lion king
770. fans
771. three hour breakfasts with friends
772. dessert
773. icees at the zoo
774. “staycation” weekends with jeffrey
775. clean clothes
776. sleeping all night long
777. looking at old pictures
778. easter crafts
779. dyeing easter eggs
780. spending the evenings outside
781. wagon rides
782. wrinkly fingers and toes after bath time
783. discovery channel
784. new books to read
785. buying presents for others
786. cooking for others
787. easter pictures
788. new jobs
789. flexible schedules
790. pulling out my spring clothes
791. disinfecting my house with lysol
792. popsicles
793. god’s faithfulness
794. stickers
795. cuddling with my sick baby girl
796. reece’s “tisses”
797. seeing friends that i don’t see too often
798. spring fever
799. antibiotics
800. celebrating birthdays
801. my retreat small group
802. libby’s
803. mornings at the park
804. picnics in the grass
805. spring break
806. trips to the zoo with jeffrey
807. watching sarah ann and reece dance to the imagination movers
808. buzz lightyear
809. rapunzel
810. weekends with family
811. birthday parties
812. perfect weather
813. sand, buckets, and shovels
814. cake
815. outback and olive garden
816. the kids being very well-behaved while eating out
817. easter outfits
818. library books and movies
819. “kisses from katie”
820. going to bed early
821. quick dinner dates with jeffrey
822. sunday evening church
823. amoxicillin
824. disney on ice: toy story 3
825. ice cream at jason’s deli
826. reading in the bath tub
827. grandparents who are always willing to babysit
828. text messaging
829. kraft macaroni and cheese
830. san jose
831. sprite and coke, mixed together
832. dance costumes
833. sarah ann’s first time wearing makeup
834. reece thinking he is buzz lightyear
835. staying up way to late and laughing in the bed
836. reece’s thousands of kisses a day
837. sarah ann’s love for gluing and cutting
838. reading new blogs
839. making schedules for the day
840. dvr
841. last minute dinner dates with friends
842. folders
843. getting the kids to bed on time
844. fresh strawberries
845. making mexican food for dinner at home
846. checking things off of my to-do list
847. always picking the slowest line at walmart
848. reading 2 books at one time
849. learning about god’s grace
850. giving grace to my children
851. playing with playdough before bed
852. sand and water tables providing lots of entertainment
853. well check-ups
854. kids eat free at moe’s
855. big kids table
856. reece’s sweet voice
857. sarah ann’s care for her brother
858. jeffrey getting home early from work
859. playing in the sprinklers
860. siri
861. calzones from mellow mushroom
862. march of dimes
863. hawaiian ices
864. swimming in the pool
865. counting down the days until summer
866. cinco de mayo
867. my new purse
868. early morning sun
869. being completely ready when the kids get up
870. pinatas
871. trips to target with the princess
872. “what’s dis? what’s dis?”
873. quiet time with jeffrey
874. summer dresses
875. flip-flops
876. cheese omelets
877. ballet and tap shoes
878. sarah ann’s first recital
879. reece sleeping through the whole thing
880. mother’s day
881. church on sunday night
882. sarah ann’s dance trophy
883. reece in a button up shirt
884. rainy days
885. staying up way past bed time
886. sweet cards from my family
887. summer dresses
888. sweet friends who share special moments with us
889. sarah ann’s mother’s day present from school
890. kisses before bed
891. lunch dates
892. usc baseball
893. carolina stadium
894. the chickfila guy taking us to our car with an umbrella in the rain
895. how it stopped raining just in time for us to get groceries
896. the kids table at moes on tuesdays after preschool
897. popcorn
898. coke from the fountain
899. new bags
900. afternoon rains
901. a quick and easy surgery for sarah ann
902. getting scheduled for surgery so quickly
903. new bible study
904. priscilla shirer
905. sarah ann’s fairly easy recovery
906. cuddling with the princess after surgery
907. watching lots and lots of movies
908. reece’s patience while his sister recovers
909. “i wuv my tister”
910. “i love my brother”
911. meals brought to us by friends
912. sweet gifts for sarah ann
913. daily trips to mcdonald’s to get out of the house
914. making summer plans
915. “my wuv you so much too”
916. the story of ruth
917. my 8th grade cheerleaders graduating high school
918. lazy sunday mornings
919. all running errands together
920. mini-desserts at uno’s with friends
921. hearing sa and reece say “go gamecocks!”
922. “bless the lord, oh my soul”
923. counting down to the beach
924. summer plans
925. thursday night bible study at church
926. “my wub my sister”
927. “i love reecey. he is my brother.”
928. north myrtle beach
929. sweet family vacations
930. spending days on the beach
931. all sleeping in the same bed
932. jumping over waves
933. spending time with friends
934. watching four kiddos splash in the pool
935. “hatfields and mccoys” on the history channel
936. duck dynasty
937. nanny and pops’ minivan
938. flying kites in the breeze
939. sarah ann and reece’s first ride on the ferris wheel
940. broadway at the beach
941. barefoot landing
942. popcorn shrimp
943. father’s day
944. catching up with diana
945. ikea
946. h&m
947. la parrilla
948. an afternoon by the pool
949. books on cd
950. celebrating jeffrey
951. mexican with the trevett’s, it’s tradition
952. fresh fruit
953. downtown greenville
954. lake keowee
955. fountain coke
956. college world series
957. new shoes
958. radius story time
959. summer schedule
960. going to sleep early
961. baby #3
962. sleeping a lot
963. being able to have a more relaxed schedule
964. eating out way too much
965. zofran
966. sharing the news with friends and family
967. sarah ann and reece’s excitement over baby #3
968. baby bump
969. the narrative
970. the fourth of july
971. fireworks
972. the peach festival
973. usa! usa!
974. the opening ceremonies
975. homemade lasagna
976. book club
977. uno’s mini desserts
978. gymnastics
979. swimming
980. baby showers
981. krispy kreme doughnuts
982. counting down until football season
983. gabby douglas
984. the medal count
985. rainy days
986. napping with reece
987. crafting with sarah ann
988. volleyball
989. staying up way too late
990. “you da best, mom”
991. “mommy, i need to tell you something. i love you.”
992. crushed ice
993. not feeling sick as much anymore
994. looking forward to a new fall routine
995. not wanting summer to end
996. holding my kiddos’ hands while walking
997. sidewalk chalk
998. bubbles
999. getting ready to celebrate jeffrey’s 30th birthday
1000. reaching 1000!

6 thoughts on “One Thousand Gifts

  1. I am so thankful for you and for your sweet heart. #17 made me smile…and I was thinking about our waiters today and some of the little children we saw while we were riding through Nassau…like the one who was filling up a dirty 5 gallon bucket with water and the sweet little one who ran up to you. It’s funny how God can use an amazing cruise where we had no cares in the world to remind us how we can love on others and serve them. Can’t wait to read more of your thousand gifts. Love you!

  2. I promise I won’t keep commenting on this…well..maybe not…but I just wanted to say that I like calzones and double dates too. And…do you really like not setting the alarm? πŸ˜‰ #47 & 52 πŸ™‚ haha!

    1. Haha–oops! The babies ended up staying with my parents last night, so I guess I was just overly thankful about not setting the alarm this morning! Haha πŸ™‚

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