A look back at 2012…

I cannot believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2012! This year has completely flown by…and it has been a year full of changes, excitement, fun, and lots of grace! Here’s a little look back at 2012 around the Broadwell house… January–In January, Sarah Ann and Reece went to Disney World for the firstContinue reading “A look back at 2012…”

And some sweet videos from our week too…

Reece and Sarah Ann are currently obsessed with the VeggieTales, especially their new “Incredible Vegetables” movie. Here is a video of Reece singing the theme song while we were making cookies the other night… And we are beyond proud of all Reecey has learned and accomplished at school this year. He absolutely loves Mrs. Beth,Continue reading “And some sweet videos from our week too…”

a few instagrams from our week…

this week completely flew by… it was pretty non-stop between my 32 week check-up, finishing up christmas shopping, christmas and birthday parties, spending time with friends… it was such a fun week, and now we’re so glad it’s friday night! the kiddos are sleeping, jeffrey and i are relaxing on the couch, and we’re readyContinue reading “a few instagrams from our week…”

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!

“Jingle Bells” has been one of Sarah Ann and Reece’s favorite songs this season… And we have been jingling our way right on through December with lots of fun, friends, family, and fellowship… Here’s some more of our 25 days of Christmas activities… December 14: We had a special birthday party for Jesus on FridayContinue reading “Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!”