Broadwell Academy, Weeks 5 and 6

Week 5: We snuck in a little bit of school on Labor day, mostly because our handwriting and spelling are a 5 day curriculum, but since the kiddos like those a lot, they didn’t seem to mind! And then we really kicked off our week on Tuesday with a lunch date with dear friends andContinue reading “Broadwell Academy, Weeks 5 and 6”

Broadwell Academy, Weeks 3 and 4

week 3: we finished up our olympic studies this week by watching the closing ceremonies, making our own medals, graphing all of the usa’s medals, and having our own broadwell olympics at home! we also enjoyed our weekly library trip and making brownies and calzones. we read lots of books, played outside, and continued movingContinue reading “Broadwell Academy, Weeks 3 and 4”

Hiding the Word in Their Hearts!

This summer Lifeway had their own summer reading program. We really enjoyed reading all of the books, completing the activities, and memorizing several Bible verses over the summer. The kids were so excited when they got to pick out a free book and received Bible after they had completed it all at the end ofContinue reading “Hiding the Word in Their Hearts!”