Happy Halloween!

This year we celebrated Halloween with five days of frightening fun! It was nothing big or super special, but in the midst of all the moving and unpacking, I wanted to be intentional about having time together and making our first holiday in our new home a fun (and frightening) one! 1. Sunday we didContinue reading “Happy Halloween!”

Broadwell Academy, August 2019

August was a bit of a blur between starting school, starting co-op, going to the beach, and moving out of our home! But these three kiddos were absolute rockstars! My goal was to get ten school days done during August, and hallelujah, we got it done! During August, we jumped back into our math curriculum,Continue reading “Broadwell Academy, August 2019”

nine and a half

our reecey piecey is nine and a half!! how can we possibly be so close to ten?! reece is witty, loyal, hard working, helpful, sincere, strong-willed, creative, and determined. he loves being at home, spending time with friends and family, playing soccer and the ukulele, building with legos, going to karate, worshipping jesus, reading allContinue reading “nine and a half”

Family Fripp Trip 2019 {Part 2}

Sunrise. Sunburn. Sunset. Repeat. We started off our Friday morning playing tennis, and then once we were nice and hot, we headed to the pool to cool off until lunch! Nanny and Pops came down to visit us for Friday and Saturday, so after lunch, we spent the afternoon soaking up some more sun onContinue reading “Family Fripp Trip 2019 {Part 2}”